Company info

You have information about your company under "Settings" and "Company info". If you want to add information that is not part of our information use "Additional information".

Changing terminology for GST and company information

If the term we call GST is incorrect go to "Settings" and "GST rates" and edit the names and the tax rates so that they are correct. If you have different terms for GST registration number or company registration number in your country, don't enter any information in these fields. Instead add the correct term and identifier in the field "Additional information" under "Company info".

Company settings

In company settings you control how the app does things. Try things, you can always reset them.

Refresh data

"Refresh data" will get the data stored in the web service to your phone. Don't use this function unless you need it, as you will lose any unsaved information. You use it when:
-You have purchased a subscription, but the app still asks you to purchase one (wait five minutes first).
-Your data is corrupt on your phone or tablet.
-You have a synchronisation issue that you aren't able to fix.

Background image, logo and signature

You can login at and select a background image for your invoices and quotes, add a logotype and upload your signature for your documents.

Changing the invoice or quote layout

You can control some of the document layout from "Settings" and "Company settings". If you need other minor changes contact The cost starts at US$110 for a customised layout.

Changing the number series

Login at to change the number series for invoices, quotes and customers. Go to "Settings" and "Number series". If you want it to start from 1 delete the invoices you have done.

If you want to restart the invoice number series at the beginning of the year, start with the first two numbers nominating the year and then you add four zeros.

Creating additional users

You can create additional users in SpeedInvoice. When you create a user you can assign one of three roles:
Administrator - this user has access to everything in SpeedInvoice
User - this user can not change any settings but can otherwise do everything
View only - this user can only view the information in SpeedInvoice, but not create or change anything

Creating more than one company

You can create as many companies as you need by tapping "Create account" on the login page in the app. You also go back to the login page to switch between your companies.

Does SpeedInvoice cost anything

You make no commitment to purchase a subscription by trying SpeedInvoice. If you want to continue using SpeedInvoice after your free test period has expired, you need to purchase a subscription.

If you don't purchase a subscription to SpeedInvoice, after the free test period, your company will be deleted after some time. We tell you about this in the app store text, in emails we send you, in our help text and prompts in the app.

Purchasing a subscription

You will get the best price for either a monthly or an annual subscription by logging in at from a computer or a tablet (the text is too small from a phone). An annual subscription gives you a 50% saving compared to paying for a monthly subscription.

You need a credit or debit card to purchase a subscription. If you don't have one, you can purchase a pre-paid card (search on the net).

You can also purchase an annual subscription with PayPal. Send the email address you registered with PayPal to and ask for an invoice. You can create a PayPal account for free here

Google and Apple sell monthly subscriptions through in app purchase. You can purchase a subscription by opening the purchase menu in the app.

Unfortunately you can't pay for a subscription with a bank transfers, as all of our subscription handling is automated.

Cancelling a subscription

First check where you purchased your subscription at If you purchased it from Google or Apple you search for "Cancelling Google Play subscription" or "Cancelling Apple app store subscription" on the net. If you purchased it from us you cancel it with this link

Deleting your account

If you wish to delete your SpeedInvoice account, please contact us by opening the Help menu and select to send a support email. The request to delete your account needs to be sent from the registered company email address. We may also ask for additional information to ascertain that you have the right to make this decision on the company's behalf.