I need help with my company code, username or password

Tap on "Tap here for help with login" on the login screen in the app.

Company code will be sent to the registered company email address. Username and password will be sent to the email address registered with the user, which can be different to the company email address.

My data is wrong

If you get no invoice or quote numbers on the phone, you can have poor internet connection. Please check your connectivity.

If you have a "Synchronisation issue" please look at the bottom of the menu and fix the issue identified. If you can't fix the issue you tap on "Refresh data". Refresh data will bring a copy of the data stored in the web service. Any unnumbered invoices or quotes will be lost.

I have lost my phone or tablet

Download the app from the app store and login. Until you get a new device you can continue working by logging in at

I changed the customer info and nothing happened

You can't change an invoice by changing a customer or item record, you need to change the information on the document.

I have turned VAT on or off but it is still wrong

You can change your VAT settings by going to "Settings", "Company settings" and "VAT". If you created an invoice or a quote without VAT and you need to turn VAT on, then delete the invoice or quote and do it again.

I don't get invoice or quote numbers

If you get no invoice or quote numbers on the phone or a tablet, you can have an internet connection that isn't good enough. Please check your connectivity.

If you have a "Synchronisation issue" please look at the bottom of the menu of the phone or tablet and fix the issue that has been identified.

If you can't fix the issue you tap on "Refresh data". Refresh data will bring a copy of the data stored in the web service to your phone or tablet. Any unnumbered invoices or quotes will be lost so you need to redo them.

Synchronisation issue

If you have a "Synchronisation issue" please look at the bottom of the menu of the phone or tablet and fix the issue that has been identified.

If you can't fix the issue you tap on "Refresh data". Refresh data will bring a copy of the data stored in the web service to your phone or tablet. Any unnumbered invoices or quotes will be lost so you need to redo them.

Renumbering an invoice

You can't renumber an invoice that you have made. If you have deleted invoices and have holes in your invoice number series you can fix it one of two ways. You can either delete the subsequent invoices and redo them after rolling back the invoice number series by logging in at, or you can contact us to renumber your invoices programmatically at a cost.

I have invoice numbers missing

If you delete invoices, you will have missing numbers in your invoice numbers. You can't renumber an invoice, but we can renumber an invoice for you. The cost is US$40.

I can't find a copy of my sent email

When you send an email from your phone or computer, it isn't your email client that sends the email, it is sent by our server. If a customer responds to an email, you will get that response. If you wish to receive a copy of all emails sent you go to "Settings", "Company settings", "Email" and "Send me copies of all invoice emails" or "Send me copies of all quote emails".

When you look in the web service, the overview has the date when it was emailed. In the app you have a small blue envelope in the overview.

If you are working on an Android phone you can also choose to "Share". This will allow you to send the invoice or quote from your mail client. Any attachments will not be sent; it is only the invoice or quote that is shared.

If your customer tells you that they haven't received an email, check that the email address is correct, that you haven't received a bounce message and ask them to check their spam filter.

My customer didn't receive my email

If your customer tells you that they haven't received an email, check that the email address is correct, that you haven't received a bounce message and ask them to check their spam filter.

I've asked for a new password but I haven't received one

The new password is sent to the email address registered for the user that requested the new password. If you have registered an incorrect email address write to

I want changes made to the invoice or quote layout

You can control some of the document layout from "Settings" and "Company settings". If you need other minor changes contact The cost starts at US$110 for a customised layout.

Incorrect date format

The date format is controlled by the language you are using. To change your language go to "Settings" and "Company info".

Changing the invoice payment information

If you wish to change the payment information on your invoice you go to "Settings", "Company settings", "Invoices" and "Invoice payment information".

Changing the company code

There is no way to change the company code once you have gone through the set-up. This code will not be visible to your customers.

No connection to server

If you get this error message when working in the app it normally means that your internet connection is too poor to support the traffic to the server. You can check if the server is unavailable by logging in at

My logo is too small or big

Your logo can be a maximum of 92 mm wide and 42 mm high. You can adjust the size within this area by adding or subtracting white space around your logo before you upload it.

I need three or four decimals

SpeedInvoice only support two decimal points.

Suppliers and inventory

SpeedInvoice doesn't handle suppliers, inventory or warehousing.

If you want to raise purchase orders you can create a second SpeedInvoice company and register your suppliers under customers, and rename the invoice or quote to purchase order. 

If you want a summary of your item sales run an item report.


If you login at you will see a small padlock where the URL is. The green padlock indicates that a webpage connection is secure.

Our servers are with Amazon. You can read more about Amazon AWS security here.

You can read more about Apple's security here and Google's security here.

I want changes made to SpeedInvoice

We value input from our customers but we will not add inventory management, warehouse management or categories to items in SpeedInvoice. You can write us on